The payment is processed through ARCA and Converse bank payment systems. When paying for the Fast Track service, the payment is processed via dedicated payment system. The credit card data is entered and processed by the payment system. “Armenia” International Airports” CJSC (hereinafter Company) does not store the entered credit card data. Thus, the Company does not have an access to your payment information. It is recommended that you take and retain a copy of transaction for record keeping purposes, which might assist in resolution of disputes that may arise out usage of the service.
The ARCA payment system accepts the following cards:
American Express
Company does not bear any liability for the incorrect transactions caused by inaccurate data entry in the course of the use of the service or for loss of data or information caused by factors beyond control of the Company. You will receive a confirmation e-mail once payment is received by ARCA payment system. Once the payment is done no cancellation, change or refund is possible.